
Should parents who have undesireable prenatal genetic testing results be allowed to abort?

Should parents who have prenatal genetic testing be allowed to abort?

In today's changing world, it's becoming easier for expecting parents to find out it their child to be will have to deal with devestating, life threatening diseases and/or disorders. Many families who come to realize their child may either be born with or later suffer from disorders such as Tay-Sachs, choose to abort the fetus without continuing through with the pregnancy, without giving a chance for the prognosis to prove to not even effect their child, because it carries the genes.

This, in my opinion, is no reason for families to abort. To me, this is not a reason for committing murder of an unborn child, regardless of the outcome of the prenatal genetic testing. I personally feel that regardless, parents should take the chance and go through with the pregnancy, because they're taking a chance regardless whether they abort or not. I personally would not abort if I found out my unborn child carried the gene. Just because they carry the gene, doesnt mean it will effect them personally.

Most generally, genetic testing is requested by doctors for women over 40 years of age, who carry a higher risk for their baby to have birth deffects or to carry the genes of devistating genes.

Other than women giving birth over the age of 40, what are the odds of carrying a problem gene? The odds of carrying such genes vary among racial and ethnic groups as so: Cysticfibrosis-African-Americans: 1:65, Ashkenazi Jews: 1:26-29, European American: 1:25-29, Hispanic: 1:46, and Mediteranian: 1:29. Betathalassemia-African-American: 1:75, Hispanic: 1:30-50, Mediteranian: 1:25. Sickle cell- African-American: 1:75 and Mediteranian: 1:40 (The Exponent Telegram Wednesday Feb 17, 2010: March of Dimes; Oregon Health & Science University; Oregon Department of Human Rescourses; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists).

Parents do continue the pregnancy even with genetic testing results undesireable.

"Because of this particular controversy, there is an active group of people who advocates banning genetic testing. Genetic testing is proving very useful in identifying certain types of conditions and ailments that actually can be corrected before the baby is born. Therefore, it is as a process of playing a role in regard to pregnancy for which people have any specific disagreement. In addition, there are many parents who elect to have genetic testing undertaken so that they can be prepared for a baby that might have some sort of serious problem, sort of serious health or physical issue. These parents do not desire to terminate a pregnancy but rather desire to be well prepared for the birth of a child that will have special needs." (Remy Nara, Ezinearticles.org)

Monday, March 22, 2010

there is no reason

There is no reason for any kind of abortion to happen.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yes, I think that prenatal genetic testing should be done in some cases. Parents should have the opportunity to choose to keep a pregnancy based on the findings of the testing. There may be serious illness or deformaties that the child could have and the parents not have the ability to care for them. Which in the long run leads to abuse and unwanted children.

genetic testing

I believe that genetic testing is a good thing. I also believe that if someone is going to abort their own biological child because of a birth defect, that is morally wrong. For example if I was pregnant and dicovered that my child was going to have a defect I would still give birth to the child regardless if it may live or not. I would rather see the child try to survive rather than have no chance at all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thier choice

I believe it is morally wrong to use abortion as a birth control... But i also believe when a parent has a good reason such as this or a raping that they should have a choice about what they would do

It is your choice

Women should have the choice to find out if there is something wrong with the baby and if they can fix it. Some women can not afford to have a sick child so that child might have to go to the government to get help. Or some people just want to know to prepare for the difficultys ahead of them. It is there choice.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Regardless of having this genetic testing, I feel
it's morally wrong because every human living, fetus
have the rights to live and to prosper in life just like
I have since I was medically born with cleft-palate.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Genetics is available for a reason...

Genetics testing if available for a reason. The option of knowing what your child may be born with gives you the option of decisions.